These vegan caramel coconut ice cream sandwiches will blow your mind! Do you remember the days when the ice cream man would come around the neighborhood? Kids would dash into their house for a dollar, then come running exuberantly out to pick out their favorite treat. Mine was always the ice cream sandwich, with deliciously melty ice cream in between two chewy sandwich cookies.


Fast forward to a time when I love ice cream sandwiches just as much, but prefer a way more healthy variety – vegan ice cream sandwiches! By substituting this papaya “nice” cream for regular ice cream, you’re nourishing your cells without the acidic effects of dairy. And the cookies are packed with healthful ingredients like coconut, oats and bananas to give you an energetic boost that won’t leave you crashing. You can eat these sandwiches as a snack or even a guilt-free breakfast! Try them out and play around with your favorite ice cream flavors!


Caramel coconut banana cookies


3 cups dried shredded coconut

5-6 bananas mashed

½ cup oats

¼ cup mesquite

4 tbsp cinnamon

3 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla extract


Mash all together in a bowl until it reaches a dough-like consistency. Form into small circles, place on dehydrating


Papaya “Nice” Cream

6 frozen bananas

2 cups frozen papaya


Blend in a Vitamix until it reaches ice cream consistency. Layer ice cream inside cookies and make a sandwich! Freeze until hard, then enjoy!

