From my heart to yours…We got this family. Stay strong and positive. We are resilient.

Dance your heart open. Let those emotions move and flush out. Holding onto all that fear, stress, and tension is serving no one, especially YOU.

Many of you have been asking me how to deal with the intensity of the collective energy right now.

My advice…

Ground your energy.

Get out of your fearful mind and into your body and heart through movement. Go outside and reconnect to nature as much as possible. Get off your devices.

Stop doing things that lower your vibration.

Like eating junk food, drinking alcohol, consuming recreational drugs, and watching too much panic-inducing media.


Act on your goals and stay in alignment with your purpose. Stay focused on where you are going, what you are building, and who you are serving.

Do the things that make you FEEL.

Feel more alive, excited, passionate, wild, free, and at peace. Dance does this for me, which is why I am sharing dance with you. It’s free and you can do it anywhere. Find what works for you.

Feel your feelings.

You must process your emotions by feeling them. If you are sad, let yourself cry. If you are angry, scream into a pillow. Process the pain to release the pressure. Then refocus on what will lift your vibration. Spiritually bypassing your emotions, pretending everything is fine inside when it’s not, is a sure-fire way to add to your suffering.

Today and every day for the next few weeks I will be encouraging you to dance and express yourself however it feels good. Check out my latest moves here.

Dance Challenge!

Join me in my #EpicDanceChallenge! All you have to do to play along is dance to as many high vibe songs as you wish in the morning. Come back and leave a comment letting me know what song(s) you danced to and how it made you feel.

Dance is medicine for the soul. We dance to be free. We dance to celebrate the gift of life. And we dance to express what words will never do justice.

🔥Have you danced along with me yet?! Tell me about it!👇🏼❤️🌍

P.S – I didn’t choreograph this. I made it up as I went along. I absolutely LOVE this empowering song called “Resilient” by Rising Appalachia. It’s perfect for this time don’t you think?!


Sending Much Love!

Amber Sears – Online Coaching, Retreats, & Trainings

