Lately, I’ve been posting a lot of nutrient dense raw food recipes since I’ve been on a raw vegan kick, but this time I want to welcome you into my galley kitchen for a little “uncooking” demo.

 As I embark on this raw journey I’ve discovered some incredible recipe books outlining all the creative ways to make your favorite dishes raw. Raw meaning nothing is cooked over 115 degrees in order to preserve all the natural enzymes, nutrients, and life force.
Raw vegan’s eat veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds and some sprouted psuedo-grains (actually seeds!) like quinoa and millet. You don’t have to eat 100% raw to enjoy the expert tips and treasure trove of creative dishes inspired by this lifestyle. Just incorporating a few more raw meals into your day or week will make a huge difference in your energy levels, weight, and satisfaction.
Cravings will be satisfied because your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs.
Below I offer a fun twist on an ordinary salad. I literally crave this salad everyday! The more nutrients the better. Watch to see what makes this salad so special and uber satisfying..

The Kale Medicine Salad out of The Complete Book of Raw Food is written like this, but toss whatever veggies you like into the mix.

Kale Medicine Salad:

By Maya Adjani
Serves 2
For the salad:

1 bunch Lacinato kale
1-2 avocados
1 zucchini
1/2-1 large beet
1 bunch basil
2″ ginger root
2″ tumeric root

For the dressing:
1 clove garlic, pressed
1/4 olive oil (I used flax!)
Celtic sea salt to taste
Green powder to taste (I used 1 tsp of SunFood’s SuperFood Green Supplement)
Lemon juice
Agave Nectar (to taste) This is a low glycemic natural sweetener.

Directions: Mix dressing ingredients in a small bowl with a fork until smooth. Place finely chopped kale in a large bowl, pour on dressing and massage with love and gartitude. The massaging softens the kale. De-pit avocados adn slice into cubes, chop or shred the beet, zucchini, turmeric and ginger root and add to bowl. Add the basil leave, whole or chopped.
This yummy, meal is rich in chlorophyll, essential amino acids (protein) and minerals. If you’d like more protein toss in some sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Vitamineral Green powder by Healthforce Nutritionals is another highly recommended powder.

Do you eat kale? Have you made kale chips?! That’s my next endeavor! Should be hilarious and I’ll be sure to have my flip camera on hand. I hope this recipe entices you to add more kale to your life.
Coming up next….Farmer’s market shop and consultation with my good friend Jun of He want’s some nutrition help and I’m here to help him discover how easy and cheap it is to eat healthy. Stay tuned…

