Ok – get ready for some serious wow, these Crunchy Curried Onion Rings are amazing.  If you’re looking for something to spice up your raw life, this might be it.



6 Onions (Red, White or a combination)

3/4 cup sesame seeds

2 Tbsp curry powder
1 large zucchini
handful fresh basil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1-2 garlic cloves
Juice of 1 lime

Cut the onions in 1/2 cm thick rings, place into a large bowl.

Combine all other ingredients in a blender, blend until smooth.

Pour the mixture over the onion rings and mix well with your hands.

Lay the onions out over 3-4 dehydrator trays (no paraflexx).

Dehydrate on 118 F for 8-10 hrs (check at the 8 hr mark -if not crunchy dehydrate further).


These won’t last long!




Crunchy Curried Onion Rings

