When I was  a completive bikini athlete going raw was far from the norm. My diet consisted heavily of meat, vegetables and low carbs 5-6 times daily.  Did I like eating this way? Hell No! I felt lethargic and crappy after every meal.  But I was sucked into the bodybuilding world and believed everything I was reading. The entire time I was eating this way I was miserable and depressed. I developed an eating disorder, body image issues and the cycle of yo-yo dieting. Everyday and all day my thoughts  consisted of food and negative self talk.  I knew there was a healthier more sustainable way of eating but I was to afraid to step outside my comfort zone.  It was not until, I studied holistic nutrition where my views on food changed.

I came across the plant based diet. Now, I’m not the one to fall into the diet traps ( trust me I have done every diet out there) but this diet sounded different.  Mother nature provides us with an abundance of plant based foods that reap many benefits so why not eat them? I wanted to eat this way but my eating disorder controlled me. Where would I get my protein? How could fruit be healthy? My eating disorder would tell me I couldn’t eat fruit as they were full of carbs and sugars but my mind would tell me to eat fruit as they are healthy and full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. I struggled with this constant battle between what my mind and heart really wanted and what my eating disorder really wanted.  I was starting to slowly transition into this way of eating. Instead of eating meat 6 times a day, I ate it 2-3 times a day. I incorporated more high protein vegetarian options like eggs, beans, legumes nuts and seeds.  I focused on eating more plants with every meal but I was still scared of letting go of what I thought was the right way to eat.

Now I know how healthy a plant based diet really is  for the body and mind. But it wasn’t until I came to Costa Rica where I was forced to step outside my comfort zone and enter into the world of a 100% Raw Vegan and experience the health benefit. Was  I scared? You know it!  However,  I’ve wanted to eat this way for so long and knew that this was my chance to break my disordered eating patterns and get real with myself once and for all. 

Well, let me tell you, I am so happy I took the leap.  Eating a 100% Raw Vegan Diet  has changed my thoughts on food and my body for the better. I have reaped many health benefits from following a more plant based diet. I no longer fear food. I get to eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds without feeling guilty or fear gaining weight.  I no longer live with ED and it FEELS AMAZING!! My thoughts are more positive and are not consumed by food or my body image.  I have healed my body from digestive issues, my skin is glowing and I have increased my energy and mood. But the one thing that stood out to me the most is  my performance in the gym and the way my body moves. I didn’t think I could get enough protein from plants and still maintain my strength but boy was I wrong. It has also forced me to get my creative juices flowing in the kitchen. Food is my passion and I love recipe creating but I have never really experimented with raw food beyond a smoothie and salad.  This past month I have created raw vegan carrot cake pancakes, raw vegan pizza, raw vegan  jelly donuts and raw charcuterie board with the amazing Kailey. I am so excited to see what recipes I can create. 

It has only been a month of following a 100% plant based diet, but this is only the beginning of my plant based journey. I am so excited to see how my body, mind and soul transforms as I continue on a plant based diet when I return home to Canada.

