Yes you read correctly. Jelly Freaking Donuts!

Whether you have a massive sweet tooth or just one teeny tiny one hiding out somewhere in the back of your mouth you’ve got to admit that every now and again a donut is exactly what you want. Or at least a donut hole, or a Timbit as we call them up north!

There are plenty of raw desserts out there that hit the mark on being densely satisfying while using only tip top ingredients. However, it’s much more difficult in the raw vegan world to achieve a lighter, fluffier treat. Especially one filled with jelly and topped with chocolate and sprinkles!

Well ladies and gentlemen, we’ve done what many probably thought couldn’t be done! What we have here is a totally raw, light and fluffy almond, coconut and psyllium donut, stuffed with blackberry chia jam and topped with raw cacao and quinoa sprinkles.

It is chock full of bioavailable proteins, omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants plus it tickles your tastebuds the way that only a jelly donut could!

If dehydrated desserts are your jam try out these guys!

Happy non-baking!

Photo May 28, 9 19 58 AM



  • 1 cup almonds
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup ground flax
  • 1 tbsp lacuma powder
  • 1/2 cup soaked raisins blended into a paste with 1/2 cup water
  • 3 tb honey
  • 3 tsp cinnamon powder
  • pinch of Himalayan pink salt


  1.  Combine all dry ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well combined.
  2. Add the wet ingredients until a sticky dough is formed. Be careful not to over process!
  3. If the ingredients need combined a little better empty the contents of the food processor into a bowl and lightly mix by hand. The fluffier the dough the more donut-y they will turn out!
  4. Split the dough into either four mega donuts or eight smaller ones or perhaps smaller donut holes
  5. Lightly roll each portion into a ball shape. If you want a classic donut form push out the middle with your finger and smooth the edges. Using wet hands to smooth the edges helps prevent cracking.
  6. For Jelly infused donuts dig a hole out of the centre making as deep and wide of a well as you wish to fill. Spoon your chia jam inside and press the remaining dough over the top sealing with wet fingers.
  7. Evenly space your donuts on lined dehydrator tray.
  8. Dehydrate at 118 degrees for 4-6 hours depending on the humidity of your location. The goal is for a crispy outside with a light cake-like inside like the traditional counterpart.
  9. Remove from dehydrator and top with one or all of the frostings and sprinkles!


Photo May 28, 11 07 43 AM





  • 3 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp liquid sweetener (maple/honey/yacon, etc)
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla bean powder


  1. Combine over double boiler to keep everything liquid if you are in a cooler environment and whisk until combined.
  2. Remove from heat and let stand to allow the frosting to thicken or briefly put in the fridge to firm more quickly


Coconut Lime Frosting


  • 1/2 cup soaked sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 a lime juiced
  • 1 tbsp liquid sweetener
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla bean powder


  1. Rinse your soaked sunflower seeds and blend adding a little water at a time until the mixture is super smooth. This works best in a high speed blender.
  2. Add all remaining ingredients and adjust sweetener according to your taste.


Jelly filling and topper


  • 3/4 cup fresh raspberries/blackberries/your favourite berries!
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1/5 cup liquid sweetener


  1. With a fork roughly mash up your berries
  2. Add sweetener mixing thoroughly
  3. Add chia seeds and mix everything together
  4. Leave standing as the liquid will hydrate the chia expanding it into a jelly


Cinnamon Raisin Caramel Sauce


  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon


  1. Blend everything together in a high speed blender until a paste is formed.
  2. Add more water or raisins to adjust thickness
  3. Let it stand at room temperature or in the fridge to thicken


Toppings and Sprinkles

  • Shredded coconut
  • Shredded coconut soaked in berry juice
  • Fresh lime zest
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Anything else your heart desires!


Good luck not eating them all at once!!!

Photo May 28, 10 02 21 AM

We can’t wait to see your donut creations so please tag us on Instagram @epicself.


